Once upon a time, in 2010. 

LDM opened another dept called Mia J. Resorts. This dept was gaming tech and designed to open a VR world in OS/www.opensimulator.org

However this took yrs of game programming, skills, and technology way beyond our tech. Eventually we transferred from the grand opening in OS to Art in Standalone. This was during the yr 2016. However even then our tech failed in windows updates causing a closer. We had to archive a both an E and T drive for many yrs with my SR Tech. Through his moves ft recently his new house (My Brother), he kept me posted on tech upgrades. He works volunteer so i stay patient.

However as a (Xmas) gift, I do have expanded tech and my old drives.

So guess what, Of course i tested Mia in OS standalone. SHE RUNS. Thats sum progress.

1/14th This week: being tested for more updates. Thx for staying tuned. We daily/weekly blog from SL.

to be cont. in Tech News (Dept Mia Tech2, laptop)

Thx for tuning in. 
All Photography from LDM Mia Corp., 
VR from Secondlife V.World